News & Events

International Congress Session 2023

International Congress Session 2023

Beginning on Tuesday, June 20th, 2023, State Master Councilor Jack, State Senior Councilor Kristian, Past Executive Officer Dad Needham, Executive Officer Dad Beals, and First Lady Mom Beals journeyed to Cincinnati, Ohio, for the 56th International Congress Session and the 102nd International Supreme Council Session. The Connecticut Delegation spent the initial days of the Session rekindling friendships from across the nation, forging new ones, and enjoying a Cincinnati Reds game, which they won with a score of 5-3!

Jack and Kristian started Thursday collaborating with the 56th Congress on service projects aimed at helping the homeless in Cincinnati. The brothers crafted blankets, dog toys, PB&J sandwiches, and assembled care packages containing essentials like soap and hygiene products. It was a remarkable experience that impacted over 600 lives, one that will always be remembered. Following this, we participated in the ceremonial opening where Connecticut had a significant presence. Subsequently, we divided into our respective sessions where the congress listened to the speeches of all the Congress Officer Candidates.

International Congress Secretary:
Aiden Carrilo – Past State Master Councilor of Colorado 2022-2023
River Peatmen – Parliament Master Councilor of DeMolay Canada
International Master Councilor:
Bam Autery Jr. – Past State Master Councilor of Alabama 2020-2021
Ryan Brown – State Master Councilor of Illinois 2022-2023
William Henry –  Past State Master Councilor of New Mexico 2021-2022
Friday commenced with Congress voting on ISC legislation, ensuring our representation in the International Supreme Council. The session progressed uniquely as Congress was, for the first time, invited into the ISC chamber to present our views on certain bills. We are pleased to announce that the ISC heeded Congress’s recommendations on three out of four agenda items and reached a compromise on the fourth. Subsequently, we engaged with all the Congress Officer nominees during the public caucuses, where the 56th Congress posed questions. Similar to our Conclave hot seat, the candidates responded spontaneously and transparently about their objectives. Later, Region 1 collectively visited Dave & Buster’s in Kentucky for our annual regional dinner, enjoying a session of camaraderie and deliberation over the officer candidates before the impending election.
Saturday morning marked the pivotal session of the week: the election of the 57th Congress Officers. We are thrilled to announce that the 56th Congress has elected Brother River Peatmen as the International Congress Secretary and Brother Ryan Brown as the International Master Councilor. Both brothers are exceptionally dedicated, driven, and supremely qualified for their respective offices. The annual Newbury lunch followed, where State Master Councilor Jack served as Master of Ceremonies, and Sebastian, the International Congress Secretary and Past State Master Councilor of Connecticut DeMolay, delivered his final address. Brother Sebastian credited his achievements to his team and, most significantly, to his family. His heartfelt speech demonstrated his outstanding service as a congress officer, earning our admiration and gratitude. He honored four individuals by presenting them with the title of Honorary International Congress Secretary: his family, State Master Councilor Jack, MWPGM Dad Bruce Bellmore, and Executive Officer Dad Beals. The week concluded with the annual Installation of the Grand Officers and Congress Officers. We extend our congratulations to Dad Terry Peters, Executive Officer of Northern California DeMolay, on his installation as the 92nd Grand Master of DeMolay International, along with all other officers who were installed. It was a remarkable week, and we eagerly anticipate the achievements the International Supreme Council and the DeMolay Congress will realize this year.