News & Events

Grand Master’s Class 2023 – MWGM Dad Bruce R. Bellmore

Grand Master’s Class 2023 – MWGM Dad Bruce R. Bellmore

On Saturday February 11th 2023, the Connecticut State Chapter performed our annual Grand Masters Class in honor of MWGM Dad Bruce R Bellmore! More great news, 4 NEW MEMBERS JOINED DEMOLAY! We would like to specifically highlight Milford Chapter for bringing in 3 out of 4! The MWGM Dad Bellmore then presented the new members with lapel pins, and Road Begins Here footballs from Session 2022. As always, the 2022-2023 State Officers did a fantastic job performing the degrees and we appreciate the help from the junior state suite and members of Sleeping Giant Chapter! Thank you to everyone who came out to support and we would look forward to the new members future adventures in Connecticut DeMolay!