News & Events

Grand Masters Class 2022

Grand Masters Class 2022

On Saturday, February 5th, the Connecticut State Chapter participated in our annual Grand Master’s Class for the Auvergne Chapter! This year’s class was held in honor of MWGM William E. Bohman. The 2022 Class was composed of five Master Masons from the 5th district who joined the Chapter.

The Auvergne Chapter of Honorary DeMolays are Master Masons who did not have the opportunity to join the organization in their youth, and gives these Master Masons a chance to become honorary DeMolay. The Auvergne Chapter participates in many Connecticut DeMolay events, providing advisors and resources to local chapters in CT.

Throughout the event, the Connecticut State Officers and members from around the state performed both degrees and the flower talk to not only the new members of the Auvergne Chapter, but also to Ethan from Sleeping Giant Chapter! When asked to give remarks, all recipients of degrees told us how impressed and amazed they were of our ritual work and congratulated us on our ritual abilities! All and all, it was a great event for the Auvergne Chapter, and a great event for Connecticut DeMolay!